Int. Eth.Conv.Adpt X710-DA2

Cod: X710DA2 - EAN: 5032037063463
€ 226.78
€ 276.67 IVA inclusa
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Art. No.
  • X710DA2
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Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X710-DA2 Intel® Ethernet Power Management Technology provides solutions to common power management approaches by reducing idle power, reducing capacity and power as a function of demand, operating at maximum energy efficiency whenever possible, and enabling functionality only when needed.

Intel® Data Direct I/O Technology is a platform technology that improves I/O data processing efficiency for data delivery and data consumption from I/O devices. With Intel DDIO, Intel® Server Adapters and controllers talk directly to the processor cache without a detour via system memory, reducing latency, increasing system I/O bandwidth, and reducing power consumption.

Flexible Port Partitioning (FPP) technology utilizes industry standard PCI SIG SR-IOV to efficiently divide your physical Ethernet device into multiple virtual devices, providing Quality of Service by ensuring each process is assigned to a Virtual Function and is provided a fair share of the bandwidth.

Virtual Machine Device Queues (VMDq) is a technology designed to offload some of the switching done in the VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) to networking hardware specifically designed for this function. VMDq drastically reduces overhead associated with I/O switching in the VMM which greatly improves throughput and overall system performance
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